THE FLOOD OF '05 January 15, 2005 A State of emergency has been issued for Paducah. The Ohio River is going to reach levels that will place many areas at risk. Some houses and trailers are already under water in Metropolis. Many towns and cities up and down the Ohio River are having severe flooding. The American Red Cross has set up a shelter in Livingston County, Kentucky. I will be working out of that area. McCracken County has been put on alert. If we have to open a shelter in this community it would be tomorrow or Monday. Numerous roads have been closed because of the rising river levels. The Wabash River in Illinois and Indiana has reached a new record. The last time the river was at these levels was in 1913! They are now ABOVE those levels. Incredible flooding from weeks of heavy snow and rainfall. Some towns can now only be reached by boat in Southeast Illinois. We are feeding hundreds of people in Livingston County. Sand Bagging starts at 7 am and runs until late in the night - midnight last night. The entire community of Smithland is at
risk. If the water breaches the sandbags and levee, that they have built by
hand, then most of the town will be flooded. I will be staying in Smithland starting tomorrow night and
will be there until after the crest. The greatest risk will come on Monday
and Tuesday as the water starts to near the top of the levee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM THE PADUCAH NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE OFFICE: FLOOD STATEMENT Here is a map of where Smithland is (Paducah can be seen in the middle there)
They have put the flood walls up
here in Paducah.
The Shadow Angel Foundation is donating monetarily to the Livingston County Disaster. We are also donating goods such as Coffee and food to the shelter. Here are some of the photographs I took today while in Smithland.
So we have our hands full here in Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois. The crest (highest part of the flood) will likely come on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The river has several more feet to rise. We are also concerned about possible snow and rain over the next few days. Hopefully the will stay away from this area. I think we will be ok through most of the week (at least no heavy rainfall).
Sunday, January 16, 2005 Keeping 960 cans of coke and soft drinks from freezing in the Shadow. :) We are warming the garage to keep them from freezing. Will take all of the drinks over to Smithland this morning. Leaving at 7 am for Smithland. Will be there most of the day and possibly all night. Will post some photos if I run back home.
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